‘LPBW’ Josiah Roloff Shows Off Impressive New Skill

Little People Big World Season 25 scenes show Josiah Roloff as he learns an impressive new skill. What does Tori Roloff and Zach Roloff’s youngest son do in recent scenes?
Little People Big World: Josiah Roloff Made Them A Family Of Five
Little People Big World fans have followed Josiah Roloff from the very beginning, before Tori Roloff gave birth. Whenever there’s a new Roloff involved, particularly with Zach and Tori, their followers love to keep up with all of the baby updates that Tori shares.
Tori told her Little People Big World fans that Josiah Roloff has had trouble sleeping. For a while, the little guy kept the entire house up, including his siblings. Luckily for Tori, she recently found a sleep sack that seems to work wonders for her youngest son, and it has helped everyone tremendously all around.

LPBW: Josiah Roloff Learns Impressive New Skill In TLC Scenes
Little People Big World scenes recently showed Tori Roloff jetting off to her girls’ trip in California. This left Zach Roloff on his own with his three kids for the first time. It was certainly an overwhelming situation for Zach and the kids as they adjusted to mom not being around.
There was a lot of family chaos in Little People Big World scenes, but Zach Roloff was able to help his youngest son, Josiah Roloff, learn an impressive new skill. Josiah is learning to walk, and while mom was away, Zach helped Josiah take his first steps.
Josiah Roloff is even bigger now than he was when Little People Big World Season 25 filmed. He is in a walker in current scenes. Learning to walk officially is a major milestone as someone grows, and Josiah is tackling that with enthusiasm.
Without Tori in the mix for a few days, Zach manages to get in a nice routine with his kids. Zach simplified a lot of things like their morning routines. Zach may do things completely differently from how his wife does, but, at the end of the day, he made things work.

Little People Big World: Josiah Roloff Grows Bigger By The Day
In current social media updates from Tori Roloff, Josiah is on his feet and walking like it’s nobody’s business. He has clearly mastered this important skill, and Little People Big World followers love to see how fast he is growing, with his blonde locks and bright eyes.

Josiah will soon be two years old, and many of Tori’s followers can’t believe how fast he has grown. For many, it feels like just yesterday that this Little People Big World mom and dad brought him home from the hospital. Now, he is growing, walking, and getting into all kinds of things that a young toddler is supposed to do, as well as a few things that he probably shouldn’t