DRAMA!!! Angela Deem Will Break Her Bank To Get Michael Deported?

90 Day Fiance star Angela Deem is spewing with rage after Michael Ilesanmi left her and claimed he feared for his life. In fact, she wants to spend all her money, get a team of lawyers, and send him hot-footing it back to Nigeria. But, it might not be so easy. TLC fans heard a long rambling live by John Yates and “Meemaw” is not happy.
Fans Divided On Whether Micheal Ilesanmi Scammed Angela Deem
As far as Angela is concerned, her Nigerian husband is spreading lies about her and using the police department to try and stay in the USA without her. She claimed that he committed immigration fraud. Well, that’s viewed very seriously by the authorities. But, the problem is proving it. She claims she “has receipts,” he’s claiming abuse, and most 90 Day Fiance fans can attest to watching many abusive situations.

Some 90 Day Fiance fans think Michael Ilesanmi planned very carefully to get to the USA and then dump his benefactor. Well, his wife claimed that he’s a bit “slow,” so that penny might not have dropped very far. Anyway, if she has to use “bounty hunters” to find him, then that’s what she will do. No expenses will be spared in her furious revenge. Some fans think he scammed her, but others are not so sure and they believe Angela Deem can be abusive.
Micheal , Angela Deem’s husband actually left the house for his life 🌚 pic.twitter.com/8fYTCGHwGR
— Yemoja 🤍🐚🐚🌊 (@molaramills) February 28, 2024
Michael Ilesanmi Running Away Without His Passport?
Initial reports indicated that Michael didn’t even take his passport. Michael told the cops he was too scared to stay in her home. So, best he keeps running, some TLC fans agree. Speculation arises in the YouTube comments that Angela probably hid his papers from the Nigerian TLC star. More than likely, if he had access to his papers, he would have taken his passport.

Well, 90 Day Fiance fans heard that even if he had taken his papers, Angela Deem is fuming to the top degree. She wants him arrested, “deported,” and banished forever. After all these years, she decided she made a mistake. So, she also aimed at his family, whom she accused of setting him up for this abandonment. Oh, and her family is fuming because he skipped out when she went “to the store” and left him “babysitting” the grandkid.
Angela Deem – Fewer Supporters Than Her Runaway Husband?
In the comments on YouTube, many TLC fans support the Nigerian. Here are some of their comments:
- The crazy part is Angela really believes she is the victim. She refuses to believe that how she treated him causes him to leave. She refuses to believe she was abusive. She always says I have a good heart, girl YOU ARE ABUSIVE. No one wants to live like that.
- Anyone who’s watched that show knows Angela is abusive. EVERYONE with a brain knows this. She’s a terrible person.
- He is not a baby sister. Angela is abusive from day 1. This is a documented FACT. All the cops need to do is roll the tape. Run Michael, run! Enough is enough.
- Do you think he honestly left his belongings and passport and immigration papers behind on purpose? She had them locked up, and that’s why they were at the house.
- That child is Angela’s responsibility NOT Micheal’s. If you think this 2 hr live con is going to make people sympathize with Angela then all 3 of you are collectively off your rockers. It’s actually insulting to every person who’s seen this story unfold. We ALL predicted this exact scenario YEARS AGO. 🙄

What are your thoughts about Angela Deem claiming that she is prepared to bankrupt herself to find Michael Ilesanmi with bounty hunters, and get a legal team to force his deportation? Do you hope that her lawyers prove her case? Sound off in the comments below and come back here for all your 90 Day Fiance news.