Welcome To Plathville: Who’s Heartbroken After Olivia & Ethan’s Divorce? (Is It Him Or Her?)

Welcome to Plathville celebs Ethan and Olivia have broken up, and one of them seems to be sadder than the other. Who's the most heartbroken?

  •  Ethan and Olivia Plath’s marriage is ending in divorce, and both parties may be feeling the pain and disappointment.
  •  Olivia’s relationship with Ethan’s family, including Kim and Barry Plath, has been strained. Her feuds may have played a role in their split.
  •  Cheating rumors have circulated about Ethan and Olivia, but it’s unclear if infidelity was a factor in their breakup.

Welcome to Plathville stars Ethan and Olivia Plath were doomed, but they didn’t know that, and it’s time to talk about who’s hurting the most now. It’s autumn, dead leaves are falling to the ground, and Ethan and Olivia’s love’s nothing more than a painful memory. When passion dies, it’s sad, and it can be messy too. There are cheating rumors about both of them, and this divorce may bring out the worst in the two reality TV show stars. At the moment, even their good memories might really sting. It’s a tough time, but things are probably harder for Olivia than Ethan.

In Welcome to Plathville season 5, Olivia’s a target. What’s really standing out is the fact that she can’t get along with Ethan and her in-laws. While Ethan used to seem very different from his parents Kim and Barry Plath (as well as his siblings), that may have been deceptive. It’s possible that he’s just as stubborn as Kim. He may have hidden depths, and Ethan could be the one who bailed out of his marriage. Under the surface, beyond his persona, who is he? Who people are when cameras aren’t rolling is anyone’s guess. Also, divorce can reveal aspects of people that are a complete surprise.

Olivia Looks Sad At Instagram

In her latest Instagram post, Olivia smiles in a couple of the pics, but in the photo shown above, she looks a little pinched and sad. Perhaps she’s been crying a lot lately and sleeping badly. While that’s speculation based on her expression, there’s good reason to believe that she’s haunted by the split. Her own sister Sophia Meggs said that Olivia and Ethan were in the middle of a divorce, and Olivia denied it. However, it looks like Sophia was telling the truth. What’s interesting is why Olivia would conceal that. Did she hope that she could change things? That’s possible, as they’ve tried to patch things up before.

Olivia’s image-conscious (most people are), and there’s nothing wrong with that. One theory is that she wanted to “win” the breakup by controlling the narrative. The strong-willed Olivia probably didn’t want to give Sophia that kind of power. Olivia would rather announce the news than have another woman telling her story. By very possibly spilling all the tea before Olivia wanted it known, Sophia likely made an enemy for life. Olivia’s not going to forget that kind of betrayal. She’s very sensitive about slights to her ego. She loathes disloyalty.

Even If Olivia Left Ethan, She Might Be More Upset Than He Is

Even if Olivia chose to leave, it doesn’t mean that she’s not heartbroken. Life isn’t that simple. She may feel like she had no choice, but still be very upset about the split. Ethan’s probably upset too, but said that he was, “done” during season 5. That’s very strong language from the formerly mild-mannered mechanic. Onscreen, Ethan seems to be changing. He actually appears to be fed up with his go-getter wife.

Olivia’s just not a mellow person. She’s pretty intense, and Ethan could have felt like he needed to escape from all of that overwrought emotion. He always seemed to prefer a simpler life. Ethan appeared to want peace badly – he thrived when things were calmer. However, eventually, as per the season, he stopped going with the flow just to please his spouse. This may be a sign of his empowerment. In the past, he wasn’t assertive, and it could be argued that he was mistreated. Olivia would walk all over him. Now, in season 5, he’s starting to stand up for himself.

Olivia might not have appreciated that kind of evolution. She may have preferred to control her mate. Or maybe Ethan went too far in the other direction, becoming very difficult to live with and communicate with. In most relationships, when things go awry, it’s not just one person’s fault. It’s quite rare that all the mistakes are made on one side.

Cheating Rumors About Ethan May Have Been UnfairMontage of Welcome To Plathville’s Ethan Plath and Olivia Plath, looking upset and happy

Ethan’s been accused of cheating on Olivia. That chatter started before their official breakup announcements (which were different – they didn’t use the same words) appeared online. He didn’t really seem like the typical player. He was always very devoted to Olivia. While he’s been more temperamental during Welcome to Plathville season 18, that doesn’t mean that he stepped out of his relationship.

The gossip began when Ethan was spotted with a mystery brunette at a bar. They were holding hands and weren’t drinking alcohol. While Ethan hasn’t talked about that, it’s possible that he’s dating. He might even have a girlfriend. It’s probable, based on his past conduct, that he and Olivia had already broken up when Ethan went to a bar with another woman.

Olivia didn’t intervene when Ethan was getting ripped apart for being a cheater, which is troubling. It took a long time for Ethan and Olivia to admit that their relationship was over. People sensed that it was, but no one knew for sure. Although Olivia and Ethan’s respective split announcements were civil, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t bad blood. A truly amicable divorce is a rarity. Celebrities try to finesse their breakup announcements for the sake of PR, but all of those “thoughts and prayers” types of posts may cloak some serious bad blood.

It’s possible that Ethan cheated, but in light of the current timeline, it seems unlikely. Probably, he was separated from his wife. Divorce can take a long time, so there’s nothing wrong with him trying to move on and enjoy life before the entire process is finalized. If he did cheat, that might explain their split, but Sophia’s comments about them already going through a divorce seem to show that the duo were possibly concealing something.

They have every right to announce their divorce when they want to. The thing is, they’re celebrities. Stuff was seemingly leaking out for that reason, so it might have good for them to tell the truth a little earlier. It seems like too much of a coincidence that Ethan and Olivia broke up after Sophia said they were divorcing. While it’s not fair to call Olivia a liar, she may have felt anxious about revealing something so major. This stuff hurts – it’s not minor, and it’s never, ever painless. Sophia should have minded her own business, but it’s not possible to “unring” the bell.

Cheating Rumors About Olivia Are Circulating

Micah Plath recently insinuated that Olivia was more likely to cheat than Ethan. He said that problems in that relationship were more apt to come from the other side. That was quite shocking, and shows just how low the Plath family will sink when it comes to protecting Ethan’s good name and smearing Olivia’s. As the season 5 clip above shows, the drama’s still heating up onscreen too.

While there’s always the chance that Olivia was unfaithful, Micah’s bombshell insinuation just adds fuel to the fire. It paints Olivia as being in the wrong when that might not be true at all. At this point, a lot of facts haven’t been revealed. There have been hints, and Ethan was spotted with another woman.

This is where it could all get very messy, like Pedro Jimeno and Chantel Everett’s divorce. They ended up at each other’s throats, and even took out restraining orders. While nothing that nasty has surfaced to date, it’s still early in the process. It’s possible that a lot of information could come to light that makes this divorce scandalous. If one side’s lying about something, or concealing something important, it could change the entire landscape.

Would Olivia do that to Ethan, who stuck by her even when she wanted a break? He was so upset when she asked for a temporary separation. It’s hard to believe that they’d overcome that only to move on to cheating drama, but it’s not impossible. Couples break up due to cheating issues all the time. Infidelity would be the biggest scandal, as the couple’s other problems are well-documented. If they broke up due to family feuds and so on, it would be very understandable.

If they split due to cheating, it’s likely to come out, and the fallout could be severe. Deception on either side would dramatically alter the way that the public perceives the wholesome-looking pair. One of them would become a villain instantly. Ethan and Olivia have both behaved badly, but they’ve never betrayed each other. If someone cheated and that comes out, that person may want to retreat from reality fame rather than dealing with being filmed discussing the situation. So, a cheating scandal could potentially end the show, or change it forever.

Will Olivia Have Regrets About The Divorce?

If Olivia’s done shady things, such as lying about her divorce, she may have regrets down the line. She might also eventually be sorry that she was so pushy with Ethan. She forced a move on him that he didn’t really want and created tension between him and his family. Of course, Olivia, whose divorce announcement’s posted above, had to deal with plenty of shade from the Plaths. Kim never really gave her an honest chance to thrive in her relationship with Ethan. She hindered her constantly, even though she seemed to really care about Ethan.

The duo’s no more. Offscreen, they’ve officially ended things. Before that, both were posting cryptically on Instagram. Their life together had bright moments, but the turmoil was too much for them. While it’s easy to blame Kim and other contentious castmates, including Moriah, who doesn’t like Olivia anymore, the truth is that Ethan and Olivia just weren’t compatible. They are different in ways that don’t lead to balance. They just clash, and they’ve really drifted apart over time. That’s probably the biggest reason why they didn’t make it.

Incompatibility can be hard to face, but once it’s accepted, both sides can move on. Both can search for partners who are better matches. The silver lining in this dark time is that it opens up so many possibilities. Now, Ethan and Olivia can try for “forever” happiness with different people. While they might not partner up right away, as some healing time’s likely needed, both are bound to find new love interests. Ethan seems to be dating. However, Ethan and Olivia’s split calls into question the future of the show. It’s possible that Welcome to Plathville won’t survive their divorce.

Cheating or not, the situation’s precarious. The Plaths are, as one would expect, on Ethan’s side. Most of Ethan’s relatives can’t stand Olivia and want her out of their lives. They’ve said terrible things about her. Did she deserve to be treated that way? It’s possible she was railroaded by a bunch of people who aren’t perfect themselves. If she hasn’t cheated, maybe she’s a scapegoat. It’s true that she accused Kim of misusing Ethan’s credit card, but maybe Kim did something wrong.

On the flip side, Moriah accused Olivia of stealing profits from her music. Barry intervened, threatening legal action. So much has happened, and some of it’s shocking. Moriah and Olivia used to be best friends. A divorce may mean that they’ll never make up. They might prefer to keep their distance from each other forever. Only time will tell how serious the divorce is, in terms of changing Ethan and Olivia’s reputations.

Welcome to Plathville season 5 has been a wild ride, with so many strong emotions. It exposes painful truths about family dysfunction. Kim and Barry split up, and now Ethan and Olivia have followed in their footsteps. While Kim and Barry may be ecstatic over Ethan and Olivia’s breakup news, as they don’t like her, they shouldn’t be gloating. Ethan’s suffered at lot over the years, and not just because of his problems with his wife. His issues with his parents have also made him deeply unhappy.

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