Many of Kody Brown’s neighbors are a dangerous man in their town
Kody Brown is an alleged angry neighbor that screams at people that approach his yard, threatens kids that go on his property and has become known for the junk yard of crap he’s storing on his land.
A verified neighbor of Kody who lives within walking distance dropped some information tonight – all alleged but here goes
1. Neighbors have warned their kids to never approach the Brown’s home due to Kody’s volatile temper. Kody is known to scream and threaten kids that approach his property. He is also well known for driving around with his guns and neighbors have become aware he’s not afraid to use them
2. Kody and crew are apparently bad tippers at restaurants. Kody’s Uber conservative politics and cult beliefs make him stick out like a sore thumb. When he eats out at one steak house, he refuses to have non-white waiters
3. Kody was always with Robyn & never seen out with anyone but Robyn. Neighbors claim his relationships with Janelle & Christine were non-existent because from the time he bought the house with Robyn he was always there. His car rarely left overnight.
4. Robyn never leaves the house & their kids don’t play with kids in the neighborhood. Kody runs the house and it’s locked down like a fortress.
5. They 100% moved Dayton into an RV – which neighbors called not suitable for the harsh winters and without proper sewage set ups was unsanitary. Neighbors worry about the kids and Dayton
6. Kody is known around town as a dangerous man.
7. People want them to leave flagstaff, they claim the family is a stain on their community. They say they don’t represent the loving and accepting community
8. Kody’s racism & homophobia is well known and understood in the community
That’s all for now – allegedly
For those refusing to believe the racism. Kody originates from a white supremacist cult – his nephew Benjamin Brown has openly discussed and spoken out against his family’s racism – as have Kody’s daughter Gwendlyn and Child Leon. They believe the white race is superior and people of color are cursed by the mark of Cain
Some of Kody’s other neighbors left comments
I live in Las Vegas and my step-son went to high school with so@e of the older Browns- when they were around town they would pose for photos and were very outgoing- accept for Robyn- she was always head down and super shy.
Regarding allegation #2, restaurant’s should not comply to Kody’s request. He should be removed from the establishment. Discrimination is against state and federal law.
All Mormons believe that Black people are the mark of Cain nonsense. Their racist beliefs aren’t getting them into heaven, so good luck with that Brown family (ironic much).
They used to live a stone throw away from me when they were in Vegas. I can confirm he’s extremely rude and stores a lot of junk and junk cars on his properties. I’ve never seen him with any of the wives except for at school events. I used to see the older kids, Janelle and Meri often. Robyn, maybe once or twice. Christine, almost every day because my youngest is a year older than Truly. My older kids went to go to school with the older ones as well.
I saw him at the REI in Flag last night and he looks so angry in person. He didn’t walk out with anything, so maybe he was pissed at the prices. 😂