‘LPBW’ Real Reason Matt Roloff Didn’t Sell To Zach & Jeremy?

Little People Big World drama has been at an all-time high over Matt Roloff refusing to sell a portion of Roloff Farms to Zach Roloff and Jeremy Roloff. So, what’s the real reason Matt didn’t want to spread his legacy to his sons?
Little People Big World: Roloff Farms Drama Has Been A Goldmine For TLC
Roloff Farms drama has been a big part of Little People Big World scenes. Whether or not Matt would sell a portion of the farm to Zach Roloff and Jeremy Roloff was a big decision to make. Once Matt decided not to sell to his sons, that opened up a whole new can of worms.
In current Little People Big World scenes, it’s obvious that Zach Roloff is still bitter over what he sees as a snub by his father. Of course, when you mix family with business, that can easily be a recipe for disaster. From Matt’s perspective, it was a good business move to not sell to his sons. Instead, he decided to turn that portion of the farm into short-term rentals.

What’s The Real Reason Matt Didn’t Sell To His Sons?
Zach Roloff admitted to offering Matt Roloff much less money than what he could get if he sold to a stranger. It seems Zach was hoping to get some sort of family discount to keep things in the family. However, there may be another reason that Matt Roloff decided not to sell to his sons.
If Matt Roloff sold to one son and not the other, that would absolutely create even more family tension. For someone like Matt who wants to enjoy his later years with his grandchildren, blowing up the family by playing favorites would be a bad move. So, following that train of thought, if neither Zach nor Jeremy got the farm, that at least keeps things even, and it doesn’t show Matt playing favorites.
There’s also the fact that Zach and Jeremy have both proven themselves to be lazy. There are countless clips from past seasons of the twins goofing off on the farm rather than helping out. They may have both felt some level of entitlement, as though Roloff Farms was their birthright. However, Matt proved that wrong with the moves he made instead.

Little People Big World: Was Matt Trying To Keep His Family Together?
As Little People Big World fans know, Matt selling to neither of his sons has created family tension. Matt could have been trying to avoid exactly this sort of tension by keeping things even and not choosing one son over the other to continue the farm’s legacy.
Either way, people got hurt, with Zach Roloff moving his family farther away after everything with Roloff Farms went down.
Matt Roloff may have hurt feelings and caused a rift with what he ultimately decided, but, there’s also no denying that his savvy business move to rent out a portion of Roloff Farms on a short-term basis is paying off big time for him.

Matt revealed in recent Little People Big World scenes that after he passes, Amy Roloff will inherit Roloff Farms. When that time comes, it’ll be worth watching to see if any of their children make another play for the farm.
For now, though, as the sole owner of Roloff Farms, Matt is doing what he sees fit, and that’s without Zach Roloff or Jeremy Roloff in the farm equation.
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