Kody Brown Horrified David Woolley Gets Part Of His Show Money?

While Sister Wives fans have seen the deterioration of the plural marriage, seemingly the wives are getting healthier after leaving.

But now, Kody Brown seems to be losing more than just wives in the dismantling, he is also seeing the money walk out the door. Fans believe that Kody is horrified that Christine Brown’s husband, David Woolley, gets part of his show money.

Brown’s Share Finances

During Sister Wives, there have been many references to shared financials for Kody Brown and his former wives. Both Meri and Janelle worked outside the home during certain parts of the show.

Additionally, Christine provided childcare but also discussed working at night. With five adults and eighteen kids, the family had many financial strains including welfare needs and bankruptcy speculations.

Initially, when Janelle Brown was considering her options without Kody, she was beating herself up for fully contributing her money toward the family investment of Coyote Pass. Unfortunately, that left her money tied up and her future insecure without the family’s money. But where did the money for the TLC Show go?

Kody Brown Has To Share His Show Money

On Reddit, one Sister Wives fan says, “Just had a realization.” Looking at an older episode it becomes clear that Kody believes all the money is his.

Then the user says, “Rewatching Christine and Kody’s break up talk. Kody says he is afraid of losing access to Truly and all HIS money.

The first time I saw this I thought he was talking about maybe having to pay child support. But now I think when he said he worried about her and a boyfriend taking his money he was speaking about the show money.”

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Further continuing, “As he began to understand Christine was not going to be gaslit into staying with him meant that Kody knew he would no longer be in control of her share of the show money. Makes me ever more curious as to how the money was managed and how badly did Kody financially abuse his wives? Did any of his share go into supporting the OG3’s households or did he keep it all for himself and Robyn?”

Fans Discuss Kody Brown Believing It Was His Money

Continuing the conversation, Sister Wives fans gave their thoughts on Kody Brown losing some of the money to David Woolley. While it is uncertain if Season 19 is a go, most likely David and Christine’s portion will go directly to them without a middleman.

  • “I think he controlled the money more than any want to admit. They all bought property/assets with ‘family’ money, and he seemed to think those assets should have been returned to the family account, that he seems to be in total control of, he lost 20k right before Meri bought the b&b, and not one of them batted an eyelid, he took food off his mother saying what’s hers is mine, that should have been a huge sign of how he saw everything, it didn’t matter who it belonged to, who earned the money, it was HIS.”
  • “Oh, that’s it exactly. The reason he was so upset was that he realized that Christine would demand her own share of the show money when prior it was put into the ‘family account’ through the LLC. Same with Janelle’s and Meri’s share. This is why he fought the breakups so hard and wanted Meri to keep pretending they were married when he hadn’t slept with her for a decade.”
  • So Christine had to work a night job AND raise all the kids..,
    byu/HelloLesterHolt inTLCsisterwives

Robyn And Kody Brown Control The Money

During the Reddit discussion, Sister Wives fans talked about how all the wives added to the family fund. Unfortunately, they didn’t get to decide when to use the money. But Robyn and Kody Brown are seemingly spending more than the others while not contributing equally.

  • “I believe the show money has been going into the family pot which was largely controlled by Toady and spent by Sobbyn. The OG3 had MLM’s for spending money and Meri also has the B&B. Janelle specifically said in the polygamy panel/debate that she gets her own paycheck and doesn’t share with Toady. But it’s easy to see which household is doing the bulk of the spending. Sobbyn has always given the least and taken the most.”
  • “Right. I get so frustrated watching Janelle scrimp on her own needs to fund Kody’s big picture while he and Robyn strut around displaying their high end junk and jewelry. Especially knowing that her Vegas home profit funded the McMansion.”
Kody and Robyn Brown’s large house. – Sister Wives

Do you think Kody Brown is horrified now David Woolley will get a portion of show money? What do you think was happening with the Brown Family LLC? Are you ready to see more of the story on Sister Wives? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

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